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Reasons why you need to register to vote before the Texas deadline on Tuesday

Attention anybody living in Texas: Voter registration is coming to an end, so do yourself a favor and register to vote now.

The deadline is Tuesday, October 11, and here are a list of reasons why you need to register. It's quick. It's easy. It will give you the power to chose the next leaders of this country. Please, for all of us, register now.

1) If you don't vote, you can't complain about the outcome

And if you try, it better not be to me, or you'll have to sit through my entire lecture on why it's your fault the country went in the direction it did regardless of who wins, and I will not feel sorry for you if you cry.

2) Unless you're a white guy, somebody fought for your right to vote

So you better respect the struggles of your ancestors and use the rights people potentially died for instead of binge watching Game of Thrones and posting yet another picture of your cat on Instagram. (Yes, you have the right to chose not to, but see above for why you should.)

3) You can say you helped make history

Think about how cool it will be when we're 60 and your grandchildren are learning about the past presidents of the United States and you'll be able to say "Oh yeah, I voted (for/against) them! It was a crazy year, 2016...."

4) Bragging rights

Think about how sad you'll be, come November when you're the only one not making "Look everybody, I voted!" posts on social media. Sad.

5) You'll avoid the embarrassment of not responding to the question, "So who did you vote for?"

Because seriously, voter apathy is so baby-boomers.

6) You'll help decide the future of lawmaking

Want marijuana legalized? Get your stoned ass off the couch and register. Think the pro-life movement should stop regulating women's bodies? Register and vote pro-choice. Want the government to stop literally erasing history? Register and vote education reform. Want more/less gun control? Register and vote accordingly. We're the ones with the power to put people in the right places to do these things.

So please please please please, register to vote before the deadline on Tuesday.

It could literally make all the difference.

Let us know what issues you'll be voting for this election cycle on Facebook at Just Jynn or at

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